Client Organization

DivideBuy is an independent lender revolutionizing Point of Sale Interest-Free Credit for E-commerce and Omni-Channel Retailers. As a leading British Fintech, DivideBuy’s technology and ground-breaking lending model help their retailers convert more of browsing visitors into paying customers by increasing conversions and sales.

Project Brief

Sigma has helped UK based DivideBuy with a platform that allows eCommerce companies to use DivdeBuy as a “buy now pay later” payment method for permissible categories of eligible customers.

Business Needs & Challenges

Key business needs and challenges of developing an outstanding digital lending solution

Client’s system was tied up with multiple retailers and some of the retailers had stores in Magento and others in Non-Magento.

Their retailers have different versions of Magento with so many plugins installed which were conflicting with each other.

Client wanted a plug and play solution to make their qualified shoppers do payments in installments.

They needed intelligent payment options based on retailer, product, customer credit, etc.

The Client needed a system that has role based access to features and data.


DivideBuy turned to Sigma, and our experts worked closely with the client to develop a suite of solutions to meet diverse needs of our client and retailers.

We created a plug and play solution so that a qualified shopper can make a partial down-payment and the balance in installments. 
Sigma also performed third party integrations like Doluna for the mobile verification, Call Credit to get credit score, etc.
Sigma has also created a custom CRM using CodeIgniter framework for the client to manage information for their employees in teams like Sales, Finance, Customer-support, etc.
Sigma has also developed a custom Magento module which integrates with retailer’s Magento system and client’s Magento system to sync products on a frequent basis.
Sigma created an auto-debit solution for automatically collecting the monthly installments from shoppers using Sagepay gateway.
We used a rule engine to run verification and pricing rules to determine a customer’s eligibility.
Client’s existing system only supported Magento then, hence we also created a Magento store to import eligible products for non-Magento retailers.


The Client got access to this new platform within 6 months.

They can now run verification and pricing rules to determine a customer’s eligibility.

Customers can now make purchases using the interest-free credit model with ease.

Access to a simple, fast and cost-effective digital lending solution.

Offering an alternative payment method to their customers increased average basket values and reduced basket abandonment.

Tools & Technologies

Tools Technology
Framework: Magento, CodeIgniter
Front end: HTML, CSS
Version controlling: GitHub
Project Management Tool: JIRA
Continuous Integration: Jenkins
Bug Tracking System: JIRA
Version controlling: GitHub
Development Model: Agile

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