Client Organization

Fire Department Coffee (FDC) is a veteran-owned business that is run by active and retired fire-fighters. Inspired by the vital role that coffee plays in helping firefighters stay alert and energized through long shifts, Fire Dept. Coffee was founded in 2016.

Project Brief

Sigma has helped the Fire Dept. Coffee (FDC) with incredible user-friendly website design, application installation and configuration, custom page design, custom section for home page that have different layout for mobile and desktop, product listing page and product details page, and made their online store ADA and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 compliant.

Business Needs & Challenges

Key business needs and challenges with installation of application and configuration

The client needed a stunning website design to sell with subscription functionality as their existing system, Shopify, didn’t have this feature.

They needed a slider that could be controlled by range and help them select from a range of numeric values.

The Client also wanted to manage sections on their online store according to the device width.

To offer a wholesale solution, so that the client can manage their wholesale purchase orders with ease.


Fire Dept. Coffee (FDC) ultimately recovered from their business challenges, as Sigma seamlessly:

Developed a user-friendly online store with an application for subscription functionality.
Implemented design sections to facilitate online store management based on the device width.
Designed custom slider sections to help them select from a range of numeric values and offer better customer experience.
Enabled wholesale solution for their wholesale business opportunities.


Using the theme feature, they can offer better navigation to their users and improved conversion rate.

The Client can now create different product categories based on product type to sell and scale faster.

The custom designed pages helped their users with easy navigation and landing pages.

With the wholesale feature, users can buy the product only when they are under the wholesale tag.

With the custom designed home sections, users can select products according to their taste like light, medium and dark.

Their customers can now receive curated products relevant to their preferences in between selected interval using subscription.

Tools & Technologies

Tools Technology
Photoshop: To design User Interface Shopify
Liquid template language, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery etc.