Client Organization

Tebio Marketplace is an eCommerce solution provider to the business needs of small shop owners and their end customers. Each day a lot of new products and categories are added to meet customers’ expectations. The client is headquartered in Germany.

Project Brief

To enhance website performance, facilitate sales of Tebio and external seller products, and ensure a seamless online payment experience through Stripe payment solutions for both sellers and buyers.


The store was built in Magento Open Source due to that there were a lot of performance concerns, So we have analyzed multiple options and decided to go with PWA. We found some of the challenges during PWA implementation for seller panels and online payment methods as mentioned below:

Create products with supported prices (price, special price, and tier prices)

Duplicate product option for sellers

Implementing order process steps and refund process in the seller panel

Commission feature for the seller

Implementing shipping charges for seller products using zip code and product weight

Implementing online stripe payment method with supported additional payment methods like Klarna, Giropay, Online bank transfer, Sepa Debit, and Sofort

Migrate old customers to new marketplace


While Implementing PWA we have added the following features addressing the business needs and challenges:

Created GraphQLs for product creation supporting prices (price, special price, and tier prices)
Created order management system and refunding processing with editing features in Seller Panel
Created invoice listing for downloading invoices related to the commission
For implementing Stripe with Klarna, Giropay, Online bank transfer, Sepa Debit, and Sofort  we created the below-mentioned steps:

  1. The seller has to fill the form with personal information and the shop name
  2. Create an express connected account supported by stripe 
  3. After admin approves, the seller can use his account for creating products, order processing, and refund
  4. Using a Stripe online payment method, the commission amount is transferred to the seller after the order is placed.
  5. And created a refund process from the seller side as well as the admin side.
Created GraphQLs for product creation supporting prices (price, special price, and tier prices)
Created shipping cost management features in the seller panel
Created SSO feature in PWA through GraphQL and used API provided by the client. We provided one link in an old website from where customers click and are redirected to the marketplace with registration.

  1. Created a separate registration page with onboarding steps to create a seller account 
  2. Created a dashboard page with the below features:
    • Total revenue, monthly revenue, and weekly revenue
    • Top-selling categories and products
    • Latest 5 orders
    • Notification block to showcase latest placed order information and messages from customer
    • Created settings section to cover seller personal information for showing on frontend seller profile page
  3. Created seller shop page with the below-mentioned seller details:
    • Created products and assigned product listing
    • Policy data
    • Address information with map
    • Profile pic
    • Company information


Website score improved to 90+ in Google Page Speed

By using Kubernetes, deployment downtime is 0 as multiple containers are running so no trouble for customers during the deployment

CI/CD pipeline is integration enabled for automatic deployment process and can roll back changes

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