Making Remote Application Management Smarter


Remote Application Management

Sigma’s innovative custom Human Machine Interface (HMI) web application helps remote application management using smart devices.

How can we enable our users to manage their applications remotely using smartphones and tablets?

Client Challenge

Effective energy management is a top priority for individuals and organizations. With smart devices becoming an integral part of our lives, the client wanted to explore the possibility of using these devices to manage their applications remotely. While developing the application, the client also had to fix issues related to Redis – websocket sync and performance issues.or a centralized system that could improve operational efficiency.

Client Journey

Experts from Sigma worked closely with the client organization to develop a custom Human Machine Interface (HMI) web application. This application provides an intuitive environment for monitoring and controlling a remotely located control system (usually used in Energy grids). This can be done using a consumer touch device such as an iPad or even a web browser as a secondary interface.

  • It removes location constraints by allowing users to manage the control panel and monitor the application remotely, through their smart devices
  • A single standard dashboard provides a one point solution for all the monitoring and tracking solutions
  • Enables users to save energy thereby save money
Key Modules Developed

User management and Role based permissions, Array Level dashboard (Complete site), Array Level Analytics (D3.js graphs), Core Level dashboard (Unit), Core Level Analytics, Node Level dashboard, Node Level Analytics, Event Log – syslog user activity, Admin Dashboard, Array/Core/Node Source points, management, IOS7 Ipad Look And Feel, New Service Modes, LOTO (Lock service modes), Notifications, Ubuntu Upstart scripts, Certificates and SSL config.


Ruby On Rails, MySQL, JqueryMobile, WebSockets, Redis, CoffeeScript, D3.js.

  • Application Development

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