CCS Performance

Client Organization

CorporateCARE Solutions, an Arizona-based company, partners with U.S. employers to provide National Backup Family Care services for employees and ensures decreased absenteeism and increased corporate morale by helping working families resolve unexpected breakdowns in the family (child, adult, pet & tutoring) care.

Project Brief

In order to enhance security, improve performance, increase scalability, and facilitate quicker troubleshooting, Sigma has collaborated with the CorporateCARE team to upgrade their technical platform from Laravel 4.x to 9.x and migrate the website from Rackspace to AWS.


Performance Issues plaguing their existing system. These issues hindered the smooth operation of their platform and hampered user experience.

The older versions of the Laravel framework that the client was utilizing had reached their end of support from the Laravel community. This lack of support posed significant risks and limitations to the company’s operations.

The older Laravel versions were incompatible with the latest Laravel packages, preventing the client from taking advantage of new features and functionalities.

The application’s lack of scalability further compounded the challenge, inhibiting the client’s ability to grow and adapt to changing market demands.

To add to the complexity, the outdated versions of PHP and MySQL caused incompatibility issues with most of the packages, hampering their development efforts.

The client’s website, powered by WordPress, also faced compatibility issues with the latest plugins due to its outdated version.


To overcome these challenges and fulfill the client’s needs, Sigma proposed a comprehensive solution.

Upgrading and optimizing the WordPress installation and its accompanying plugins to the latest versions.
We recommended upgrading the client’s Laravel version from the outdated 4.x to the latest 9.x. not only provide access to the latest Laravel packages but also improve performance, security, and stability.
Our experts proposed high scalability architecture for the client’s technical platform to handle increasing traffic and accommodate future growth without compromising performance.
Migrating client’s server deployment from Rackspace to AWS with CI/CD implementation improved security measures and robust encryption capabilities.
Our experts enhanced security measures, performance, scalability, and the ability to quickly troubleshoot any issues that may arise.
The upgraded technical platform would also provide their administrators with greater control over managing content, empowering them to make necessary changes with ease.


Security: Laravel 9 has a number of security improvements that are helping to protect the application from potential assaults, such as enhanced password hashing and encryption.

Performance: Significant performance enhancements are made with Laravel 9, particularly in the areas of routing and response times. This has enhanced the user experience and helped the application to handle additional traffic.

Long-term support: Since Laravel 9 is a Long-Term Support (LTS) release, it will get three years’ worth of security and bug fixes. This provided the peace of mind to run the application over an extended period.

Accelerated development: Laravel 9 introduced new features and functionality that helped streamline development and accelerated development. For example, Laravel 9 includes new features such as improved support for query builder macros, dynamic attribute casting, and more.

Anonymous stub migration: It made the migration process more efficient.

Smooth deployment and rollback: Easy to deploy and rollback with CI/CD deployment that runs smoothly.

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