Project Brief

TFL is a Switzerland headquartered globally operating company producing specialty chemicals for the leather industry and related industries. TFL offers its innovative products and solutions to tanneries, leather processing companies and coaters, always striving to introduce fresh ideas to the market. Actively present in 90 countries aided by exclusive agents and distributors.

Business Needs & Challenges

Key business needs and challenges moving over to Magento 2

The objective was to provide a web interface where the distributor can place the orders directly.

Also, this is a controlled B2B business model, there is always a need to have a customer specific catalog and price which was a major challenge.

TFL wanted to have multiple users with restricted access who can create the customer, add the catalog, restrict the visibility of the catalog and price,

Manage the inventory, allow the user to place the orders with specific delivery options along with it provide the options select expected delivery date, etc.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought in further urgency as business was badly impacted.

Sigma ensured that TFL was able to launch the portal for their Indian distributors in a record time of 8 weeks from requirement analysis to go-live.

Other country roll-outs are in pipeline


We have developed the B2B Ecommerce Portal using Magento 2.3 OpenSource edition. There are few 3rd party modules and custom development was done to accomplish the  project goal. Here are some of the key modules:

Registration is allowed only for the valid
SAP customers
OTP based login and preference to change from My Account along with the change of mobile number
Admin module to manage the holiday and non working days so that those dates are not available to be picked up by customer while selecting the delivery date
Creation of Company customer group and mapping the users for the customer group
Restricted and limited access of the catalog and the price for customers
Order related functionalities are Reorder,
Cancel, Return, Update
Syncing the Price and Inventory based on the CSV from SFTP location Activity log for each order would be accessible to all the users from the same customer group


TFL webshop provides the capability to display the product details and allow the customers to place orders directly from the webshop.

As websop has integrated with SAP ERP, the order processing is automated and the updates from webshop will be synchronized with ERP almost real time.

Despite the webshop being a closed web application designed only for the Authorized B2B customers, the customer registration is increasing every month.

Since the launch of webshop the order value has increased up to 300% in the second month from almost 200% increase in the order count month on month.

This automatic responsive web application, helps reduce the manual entry of order in ERP which the TFL customers previously used to place via phone.



The B2B ecommerce portal is helping customers place orders on the fly from any device like Mobile, Tablets and Computers as this is a responsive portal


The customers are able to keep track of the orders and make order related changes on the fly as needed. Customer service team is able to monitor the orders and understand the current cart items and help the customers place the order


There is an FAQ which helps the customers to get clear information about the catalog, how to use, terms of use and other policy related information from the web portal


Customers are able to place orders for different locations from the same account. They can also place backorders if the product is out of stock

Tools & Technologies

Tools Technology
Photoshop: To design User Interface Magento Open Source 2.2
Dreamweaver: for HTML Slicing PHP
JIRA: Project Management tool HTML5
MEQP: Code Review tool CSS3
Skype: Internal meeting and discussion Bootstrap
Zoom: Client Meeting Jquery
Hosting : Nexcess Knockout JS

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