Webscale, the “Any Platform” Commerce Cloud, is the leader in cloud hosting, automation and management for global ecommerce businesses.Unlike traditional hosting solutions, Webscale is a highly automated,SaaS platform that provides customers with unprecedented control and insight into their infrastructure. A powerful portal delivers 360° visibility into application performance, uptime, and security, while providing granular control over how traffic is managed within the infrastructure, improving user experience and conversions.Webscale manages 3,000+ online stores in the public cloud, for businesses in nine countries, including seven of the Fortune 1000.

Key Benefits

100% uptime – predictive application auto-scaling, load balancing and other automated tools that ensure “always-on” availability.
Blazing fast websites end-end website performance optimizations,from the Internet edge to the application.
Deep insight and visibility via Webscale’s intuitive portal providing a comprehensive view of infrastructure and user experience.
Any platform, any cloud – AWS, GCP, Azure and a wide range of ecommerce platforms supported.
360° security with complete protection against traffic-based attacks,bots, and malware.
Fast, efficient cloud migration in 4 weeks. Support for M1 storefronts post June 2020.
Award-winning proactive support from a team of cloud certified experts with deep experience in the ecommerce segment.

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