Industrial & Chemicals

B2B Digital

Selling electrical and plumbing fittings, chemicals and plastics involves different manufacturers and distributors and it has all become quite easy in the online world. Target your audience by building a flexible Magento B2B sales platform and boost your sales by providing customers a fluid and seamless shopping experience like never before.

Magento | Industrial & Chemicals

The Perfect Fittings

With Magento you can create multiple product variables that connect single or multiple databases to ensure your customer gets the right fittings.

Create Outstanding Mobile Experiences

With the responsive design and custom theme magento enables your customers to confidently find the right fittings or chemicals they are looking for on their mobile, and make payment from the mobile device itself.

Multichannel Integrations

The solution can be integrated flawlessly with in store POS, ERP, CRM and facilitates seamless information flow crosses the information channel. Save 52% effort of your team when you have an integrated solution.

Robust Integration

To deliver accurate, real-time information and price negotiation to your customer related to products and inventory, you need a robust integration across databases and inventory management.

With Magento you can orchestrate complicated integrations, processing logic and routing with ease.

Demystify Complex Products

Make complicated product options easy for your customer, with bundles and custom product attributes. Magento enables product bundling and product recommendations to easily make the customer complete their purchase.

Earn Customer Loyalty

Make customers fall in love with your Magento 2 stores and pay more back visit with quick order and Requisition Lists functionality.

Customers are able to complete their purchase in a few clicks and hence they are more likely to keep returning.

Smart Search

Provides smart and flexible searches to customers so that they can search, compare and buy the products easily.

Easily configure and train your search based on data and also handle mis-spellings, relevance, related terms etc. to make search easier for your shoppers and thus increase sales by upto 30%.

Sigma | Industrial & Chemicals

Custom Development

In addition to developing the site, Sigma can also build custom iOS app, Android App, and PWAs in a very short time frame.

Flexible Infrastructure

Sigma designed a baseline infrastructure to accommodate high volumes of traffic, along with a scaled-up peak infrastructure to handle massive spikes in visits during flash sales.

Shipping Experience

Sigma can customize the shipping solutions to decide the best shipping method based on product dimensions and multiple items in the cart. This helps to provide the actual shipping quote to customers as per their order in real time and avoids back and forth.

Perfect Pricing

Sigma has developed add-on pricing solutions that enable showing different prices (using markups on cost, etc.) for the different customers segments. Additionally, the prices can be calculated based on product length and size selected by a shopper. Well implemented pricing strategy helps increase the conversion as well as improve margins.

Launch Success

Case Studies

Sell Electrical & Plumbing Fittings and Chemicals Online with Magento
I Look for the success of these companies in the Industrial and Chemical industry with Magento.

U.S based B2B Store for Electrical, Plumbing & Industrial Supplies

View Project

Europe based B2B Store for Chemicals

View Project

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