Sports and Recreation

Build the boost for your sales

From an 8-year old to an 80-year old, the user base for sports brands in varied. Manufacturers have realized the reach of an online portal, which enables accessibility to users across devices and platforms. Whilst shopping for sports equipment, customers need brands and specifications to choose from. The applicability has to be taken into consideration as well. Overall, the experience of actually visiting a store has to be ensured, to pull in the traffic and boost the sales.

Personalize and Promote

With Sigma’s Magento-based solutions, you can create a whole new level of personalized shopping experience for your users. Give them the feel of ‘trying out’ the equipment they wish to buy. With easy navigational features and quick loading time, make your customers fall in love with your portal. Sigma’s solution has an additional feature of enabling B2B relationship building as well.


Make an Offer/Propose a trade

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We don’t usually think of negotiation skills as an important component of customer service. But it is, particularly in business to business (B2B) relationships. That’s because far more negotiation goes on between businesses than between businesses and an individual customer on issues like pricing, delivery options, and payments. If you think about it, a lot of the interactions between businesses involve negotiating an agreement that will serve both parties well — seller, and buyer.

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