The Power of Connected Systems with Salesforce Integration - Sigma

The Power of Connected Systems with Salesforce Integration

By | Blog, Salesforce

In today’s data-driven world, businesses rely on a complex ecosystem of applications to manage various functions. However, siloed data in these applications hinders efficiency and creates a fragmented customer experience. This is where Salesforce Integration comes in, acting as the bridge that seamlessly connects your Salesforce CRM with other critical…

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Salesforce CPQ - Sigma

Reasons Why Your Business Needs Salesforce CPQ?

By | Blog, Salesforce

Imagine this: a potential customer is excited about your product, but the sales process grinds to a halt because it takes forever to get them an accurate quote. Sound familiar? In today’s fast-paced business world, speed and accuracy are crucial. That’s where a game-changer called Salesforce CPQ comes in!  …

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BayCorp Breach Tightening Salesforce Security

BayCorp Breach: Tightening Salesforce Security

By | Blog, Salesforce

Ever felt insecure about your Salesforce org’s security? Keeping Salesforce secure is a top priority for everyone involved. From Salesforce administrators to developers, we all know a data breach can be devastating. Our orgs store a lot of valuable data, and a security breach can be disastrous. This blog post…

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