Sigma Blogs

How can AI help design a better user experience - Sigma Infosolutions
Artificial IntelligenceBlog

How Can AI Help Design a Better User Experience

Contrary to popular belief, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not the dystopian villain you see in the movie - “Terminator”. In reality, AI has revolutionized technology by mimicking human behavior to enable a better handle on data management and mining and provide results that may have generally been missed by humans.…
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Designing Data Driven applications

Designing Data Driven Applications

Data is one of the key factors for businesses to identify its operational strengths and weaknesses. The key insights from data analysis can point out opportunities to boost performance and efficiency. Therefore the data-driven designing remains as much of an art as it is a science, especially for customer-facing applications…
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magento enterprise vs opencart
BlogeCommerceeCommerce DevelopmentMagentoMagento2Magento2Tips

Magento’s eCommerce Edge Over Opencart

Picking the right eCommerce platform for your business’s online existence is not so easy given that there are quite a variety of options available in the market with varying degree of features. Picking the best platform is important to ensure that both the business and its customers have the basic…
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What Magento 2 Enterprise can offer over Community - Sigma Infosolutions
BlogeCommerceeCommerce DevelopmentMagentoMagento2

What Magento 2 Enterprise can offer over Community

For an online-shop looking to scale its operations or looking at improving conversion rate, this is one of the key questions. Magento 2 EE comes with an exciting feature list such as multiple wish lists, automated e-mail marketing scheduling (multi-level re-targeting), customer segmentation, easy and hassle-free payments and much more…
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Magento Enterprise delivers enhanced experience and powerful marketing to drive higher conversions - Sigma Infosolutions1
BlogeCommerceeCommerce DevelopmentMagentoMagento2

Magento Enterprise delivers enhanced experience and powerful marketing to drive higher conversions

Every great online shopping experience in the minds of innovative marketers and merchandisers. From optimizing the website content, merchandising the products, to creating awesome marketing campaigns and promotions. With Magento Enterprise Edition 2.1 you could empower your online store to deliver more engaging shopping experience faster and easier than ever…
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maximize the potential of mobile BI and analytics
Advance BI ModelsAIAnalyticsArtificial IntelligenceBI & AnalyticsBI TechnologiesBI ToolsBig Data AnalyticsBlogBusiness Analytics

Effective Integration Practices That Can Help Maximize the Potential of Mobile BI and Analytics

Mobile phones break through the traditional computing platforms as they help organizations to maximize their decision making potential irrespective of travel or location using Business intelligence (BI) and analytics. A smooth flow of data from the executive to operational level is possible when mobile devices infuse applications, services, and native…
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de clutter your BI dashboards to discover key insights

How To De-clutter Your BI Dashboards To Discover Key Insights

Data, the primary key to everyday business opportunities, has gotten complex over the years due to technological challenges like data blending and data wrangling. The numerous complexities are a result of the scope and variety of big data and the integration of visualization and analytics tools. These glitches have not…
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Big Data
Big DataBlog

How Big Data Will Change Businesses In 2018

Market trends suggest that with an approximate growth of about $7.3 billion in 2018, the big data market size will be bound to break the $40 billion mark by the end of the year. The demanding growth in big data analytics has induced various industries to begin implementing and updating…
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